Monday, June 18, 2012

We’re at the start of another week at CFUM and it’s exciting to see the progress each of you are making. The personal records board is getting filled with new achievements, and the enthusiasm and dedication each of you exhibit is motivating. Let’s finish this month out strong. We have two more weeks of dumbbell strength work until we move into a new two-month linear cycle with three barbell movements that will be tested at the end of the series. Also, keep up your bodyweight strength work as we will retest that at the end of this month. You’ve been completing some tough WODs, nailing some big lifts and conquering some crazy skills — Upcountry has phenomenal talent, and we are thankful to be a part of your training.

Here’s the workout for Monday, June 18, 2012:

A. Strength

1. DB squat

2. DB Bulgarian split squat

B. Metcon

In 2:30:

Sprint 200 meters

7 clean and jerks (115 / 75)

AMRAP American kettlebell swings (53 / 35)

Complete four rounds, resting 1:00 between rounds; score is kettlebell total.


SATURDAY YOGA CLASS was a big hit. Mahalo to certified yoga instructor, accomplished rower and CrossFitter Shay Seager for an awesome yoga session, as well as huge insight into rowing errors and tips. Monday is her last day on Maui. Give her a hug if you see her tomorrow, and keep in touch with her via Facebook. Here are some photos from the day:


Happy Father’s Day! We have some rad dads at CFUM. You dads demonstrate awesome strength at the gym, at home and at work, and we’re inspired by each one of you. Hope you folks had a great day with loved ones!

We got to hang out with my dad in Makena today.