Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Frenzy at 5 p.m.

Here’s the workout for Tuesday, June 19, 2012:

A. Skill

Tall snatch

Take the first 15-20 minutes of class to work on the tall snatch. This oly lifting drill is intended for form, not weight; only progress by 5 to 10 pounds after a set of three is executed perfectly.

“The tall snatch is simply the third pull of the snatch. It is begun with the lifter standing tall with no bend in the knees. From this tall position, the lifter begins transitioning the feet from the pulling to receiving positions while pulling under the bar aggressively to receive it in the overhead squat position.” (Catalyst Athletics, with demo link below)

Tall snatch

Remember: Practicing tall snatches and tall cleans will achieve speed under the bar. You must commit to the movement and initiate from an upright position. Check out the difference between these lifters. The first guy initiates with his chest dipping forward and a knee bend; the second guy commits from standing position with no knee bend, exploding with a shrug and fast footwork. The latter is what we want. Grab a partner and have him or her watch your lifts. Take your time and get it right. Your oly lifts will thank you.

B. Metcon


Five rounds for time:

400-meter run

15 overhead squats

Advanced: 95/65

Intermediate: Under 95 / under 65

Beginner: PVC or air squats

Grab a new PR on this benchmark WOD; go for the records board; or just see it as a great workout!