Wednesday, July 25, 2012







CONGRATS ROUND ONE goes to Andrea, Sara, Holley, Patty and Leah, who today flipped the approximately 600-pound behemoth tire, which will henceforth be named Merf. It’s hard to gauge the actual percentage of the total weight that you ended up moving, but we know that it was a beast to even budge. Great work to everyone who got their hands dirty on the tire flips; it was awesome to see you charge.

CONGRATS ROUND TWO goes to Noah, who today got his first bar muscle up. After just about two months of CrossFit, he’s making crazy ninja progress in pull-ups, lifts and speed work, which culminated in his bar muscle-up, in front of the camera and cheering friends after the 9 a.m. class. Welcome to the muscle-up club, Noah!

Here’s the workout for Wednesday, July 25, 2012:

A. Strength

Push press – linear week 4

B. Metcon

In 2:30:

Run 200 meters

8 hang power cleans ( 135 / 95 )

4 push presses or push jerks *

AMRAP sit-ups

Complete four rounds, resting 1:00 between each round. Score is total sit-ups.

* Use the same barbell / weight for cleans and push presses. Dumbbells may also be used.

Hang power clean demo: