Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Here’s the workout for Tuesday, July 24, 2012:

A. Skill

Tire flips

Take 15 minutes of class to go over technique for tire flips, then team up or go solo and get 3 x 5 tire flips on the “new” tires (thanks Russ and Warren!).

B. Metcon

In 15:00

Run one mile, then AMRAP:

6 toes to bar

9 hand-release push-ups

12 lunges (6 per side)

15 double-unders

* Score is rounds and reps of AMRAP.


LAST, BUT NOT LEAST: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDERS! The 6 a.m. class “celebrated” Anders’ birthday Monday with 44 burpees — and we made sure to let him know how thankful we are for him, between breaths and muffled cussing. On a serious note: Anders has hit some amazing PRs since starting CrossFit roughly a year ago, shaving time off Murph, hitting heavier powerlifts and clocking a sick 500-meter rowing time. He’s only getting better from here, and we’re inspired by his progress, consistency and drive, and the fact that he always brags about his wife and CFUM athlete, Kiera. We’re stoked to have all the Lyons relatives (Kristina, Anne-Marie, — even Dale (KIDDING, DALE) at CFUM!