Friday, August 17, 2012

Rodney nearly nails perfect triple extension during his introduction to oly lifting at Basics III on Wednesday. The new CFUM member has been showing quick progress in the highly technical movements, which is very impressive. Great work, Rodney. We’re glad to have you!

Here’s the workout for Friday, August 17, 2012:

A. Strength

Snatch deadlift – linear week 7

B. Metcon

In 3:00 AMRAP

7 power snatches (75/55)

7 overhead squats (with same bar)

30 double-unders

Complete three rounds, resting 1:00 between rounds. Start each round where you left off. Score is total reps.

C. Cash out

In 2:00

Sprint 200 meters

AMRAP knees-to-elbows *

* Add reps from part C and part B for WOD total

Power snatch demo from Catalyst Athletics: