Monday, August 27, 2012

At Saturday’s WOD, we said goodbye to visitor Brett (left), from Pennsylvania, part-timer Cassidy (top row, second from left), from D.C., and Nohea, my little sis who’s going back to college in San Diego.

PROGRAMMING NOTE: This week, our eight-week linear cycle comes to a close with testing in the front squat on Monday and the push press on Wednesday. Due to the heavy lifts, your metcons will again be light. If you have followed the lifts consistently, we will find your new 1-rep max. If you have missed days, or are just starting the program, we will find your estimated 1RM via a 3-, 5- or 5+ rep max calculation. Please make it a point to attend Monday and Wednesday, or make up your lifts on Thursday. It’s vital that each athlete know his or her estimated max lifts, as you should be using percentages of your lifts during the metabolic conditioning. For example, if my push press max is 95# — and I do a WOD that calls for five rounds of 10 push presses at 95# — I will inevitably compromise form and risk injury. We want each of you to progress — and the rate of your progress is relative to your body size, type, the amount of sleep you get, your diet and various other factors. Please continue to lift within your means, and approach skill work according to your ability. You will see gains with safe, consistent training. And finding your 1RM or estimated max for each lift we do is an important part of that. Now get in the box and see the results of eight weeks of hard work!

Here’s the workout for Monday, August 27, 2012:

A. Front squat – testing

Take the first half hour of class to warm up and find your 1RM, 3 RM or 5RM. Warm-up calculations will be given at the box. Metcon will be explained at 40 minutes on the hour.

B. Metcon

AMRAP in 8:00

4 toes to bar

8 supine rows

16 lunge steps

200 meter run

C. Cash out

Couch stretch and foam roll



CFUM beach WOD: 8 a.m. this Saturday at Baby Beach on the north shore

THIS TUESDAY: 5 p.m. deadline to turn in Hana Relay shirts for print. ATTN: HANA RELAY RUNNERS, talk with your team captain about what color / style of shirt you are wearing. Buy your shirt, bring a used shirt or reimburse your team captain for getting your shirt. Turn it in to the box with your name on it by 5 p.m. We are taking it to the printer Wednesday. We will cover printing costs; you supply the shirt. NO LATE SHIRTS WILL BE PRINTED.

THIS THURSDAY: 6 p.m. mandatory Hana Relay meeting. Calling all three CFUM teams: You must meet at 6 p.m. Thursday to divvy out your legs, solidify drivers and discuss post-race plans. If you cannot make the meeting, you may forfeit your chance to choose what legs you run. Please text your team captain in advance if you cannot make the meeting.

THIS SATURDAY: 8 a.m. beach WOD at Baby Beach in Spreckelsville. Two words: Sand hill. Never experienced it? Get excited! Our first beach WOD on the north shore promises to be sweaty, sandy and lots of fun. Friends and family are welcome. 

NEXT MONDAY: One 8 a.m. holiday class. We will have a condensed holiday schedule of one class at 8 a.m. due to Labor Day. Please plan accordingly.