Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012


THE RESULTS ARE IN: Our master’s women — yes, the ones who wrote “Old Chicks” on their truck and reveled in tie-dye shirts — ranked THIRD among ALL women’s teams with a blazing time of 6:37:40. So basically, they smoked females in their teens, 20s and 30s, showing that age is just another year for PRs. Meanwhile, our men ranked 16th among 202 teams — and held a 7:22 pace throughout the 52-mile hilly course. What about the third team? Well. Let’s just say Patty’s watermelon was taken out of the cooler after leg 13. We don’t remember what happened after that. Great work to all! For a link to full results, visit: Hana Relay results

Here’s the workout for Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2012:

A. Skill

Battling ropes

B. Metcon

For time:

400-meter run

40 double-unders

30 walking lunge steps (15 per leg)

20 back extensions

10 V-ups

800-meter run

10 V-ups

20 back extensions

30 walking lunge steps (15 per leg)

40 double-unders

400-meter run