Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012


Here’s the workout for Tuesday, Sept. 25, 2012:

A. Skill

Handstand wall walks

Take 15 minutes of class to go over handstand wall walks. Complete 3 x 5.

B. Metcon


Three rounds for time:

400 meter run

21 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

12 pull-ups

PALEO NOTE: For paleo challenge participants, please make sure to log your time as we will be retesting this WOD after the challenge.


Packed out CFUM paleo challenge

CFUM has 30 participants in the paleo challenge, which means the winners are going to get $150 each — if Craig and I don’t rig the judging and take the cash. Also, CFUM members Yulie and David, owners of Speck iPad, iPhone and Mac computer cases, donated a bunch of cool stuff for prizes. This challenge just got exciting — there are so many reasons to eat clean!