Monday, Oct. 22, 2012

102212 WOD
A. Strength
Back squat – linear week 4

B. Metcon
Tabata Mashup
1:00 bottom-to-bottom squats
2:00 knees-to-elbows
1:00 bottom-to-bottom squats
2:00 knees-to-elbows
1:00 bottom-to-bottom squats
2:00 knees-to-elbows
1:00 bottom-to-bottom squats
* Score is total reps


C. Cash out
Accumulate 1:30 in an L-sit hold


HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHRISTY! FORTY IS THE NEW FIT! You’re loved. So much so that we couldn’t resist “gifting” you wall ball sit-ups, wall ball tosses and ball slams…


CFUM’S PRE-HOLIDAY PALEO CHALLENGE IS COMING TO A CLOSE! We have just days more to go, so keep up the good work. Details on winner assessments and announcements coming soon. In the meantime, watch out for the paleo police. They’re everywhere. Anders sent in the most stunning case of just how deep these new CFUM officers are imbedded in our community, our restaurants, and our homes…

Aloha Kehau,
My eldest, Lyxi, was talking to me about the Paleo challenge last night.
Lyxi: Dad, why are you still doing the Paleo challenge?
Me: Because we still have about a week to go before we’re done.
Lyxi: Even though you ruined it?
Me: I ruined it?
Lyxi: Remember you ate that one Cheerio a couple of weeks ago?
Me: Oh, yes even though I at one Cheerio I still wanted to keep doing the diet.
Anders and Lyxi