Tuesday, Oct. 30, 2012

Classmates from KKHS are starting to hear about CFUM. We had an intro today just for them. Thanks for coming! “Teal and black. Teal and black. Teal and black, let’s go!” (I kid, I kid.)


103012 WOD

A. Skill

Snatch balance

5 x 3

Take 15 minutes to work on snatch balance technique. We will stay light, focusing on footwork.

B. Metcon

In 20:00

Run sugar house one mile


5 chest to bar pull-ups

10 lunges (5/side)

20 DUs

Score is rounds and reps of AMRAP



Warren’s birthday was Sunday. He would’ve had a birthday burpee pardon because it fell on the one day we’re closed. However, he failed to tell us his birth date, which is a huge offense, and now he’s in some pretty deep water. Thankfully, his wife, Jermaine, gave us a heads up. On a serious note, CFUM wouldn’t be the same without the Aganos family. Warren, Jermaine, Brock and brothers are some of the kindest, most generous and encouraging people we know. The entire family has made great progress since they began CrossFit. You’ll also notice that Warren is a natural coach and has been helping out at a lot of classes. We’re thankful for you, Warren and family — even if you’re on the top of our CFUM people-to-be-punished-by-burpees list:)



Diane smoked the XTerra 5K Saturday in West Maui. She finished the grueling, off-road course at 30:27, ranking 31st out of 328 females and 4th in her age group. We’re super proud of her — not just for nailing the notorious run, but for always giving her all in the box.



Don’t forget: 4:30 p.m. paleo winner announcements are set for Wednesday. Wear a costume. Bring the family. Stay for the WOD at 5 p.m. or take off for trick-or-treating. The contest is close! Come out to cheer for participants!



Our very own big-wave pro surfer Isaac and his friend, Dylan, made this video from the Barbells for Boobs event earlier this month. We love it. Thanks, Isaac! And sick butterfly pull-ups. You brat — you’re such a fast learner!;)