Saturday, Dec. 29, 2012

>> HERSHEY, PA., ISN’T JUST KNOWN FOR CHOCOLATE. It’s also home to CrossFit Hershey, a sweet and stacked-out box, owned and operated by Tim and wife Caitlin. Frank and I worked out there Friday night, staying for a while afterward to talk with the couple, who was super warm and welcoming. We now know one thing — we won’t complain about Upcountry being cold after wodding in 30-degree weather the last couple weeks. The WOD lung-burn is twofold, thanks to low temps AND oxygen deficit. It’s loads of fun! (PS. Sick of seeing photos of your owners on vacation? Send us some CFUM shots!)

122912 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Metcon

10 rounds for time:

5 dumbbell burpee deadlifts (30/20)

5 V-ups

50-meter sprint



“Mental Toughness” with Froning, Bailey

We whined about training in the cold, then I remembered this video on “Mental Toughness” (fast forward to 3:25):