Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Congratulations to Mitch for getting his first public muscle-up. Apparently, he got one in secret, ninja style, and didn’t tell anyone. We had to pull some shameful paparazzi moves to snag this photo of his muscle-ups at 4:30 p.m. class. You can’t hide from us, Mitch; we know you’re an undercover CrossFit superstar!

032013 WOD

A. Buy in

In 5:00

Partner A: 30 double-unders

Partner B: Superman hold

Five tuck jumps must be completed by both partners before continuing if hold is dropped. Switch movements; score is double-unders.

B. Strength

1. Press – Wendler week 3, month 3

2. Deadlift – Wendler week 3, month 3

C. Metcon

For time:

200-meter run

12 power cleans (135/95)

12 HSPUs

200-meter run

9 power cleans

9 handstand push-ups

200-meter run

6 power cleans

6 handstand push-ups