Thursday, March 21, 2013
Spot the shakas. Hint: There are four.
032113 WOD
A. Make up skill / strength
Take the first 25 minutes of class as open gym, working on missed lifts and skill work. After the announcement of 13.3, many of us will be working on muscle-up progressions. Use your time wisely.
B. Metcon
In 12:00
Run 800-meters
3 deadhang chin-ups
6 dumbbell burpee deadlifts (35/25)
9 toes-to-bar
50-meter farmers carry (with same dumbbells) *
Score is rounds and reps of AMRAP. Partial farmers carry will not count as a full rep.
Yoga for CrossFitters with certified yoga instructor Ann Van Patten will be held from 9 to 10 a.m. New prices are effective immediately: For monthly unlimited members, the featured class is free. For 3 x week members (this tier includes students, couples and police/fire/military rates), cost is $5; for 2 x week members, cost is $10. Thank you for valuing this important mobility class!