Thursday, April 25, 2013


>> every body should be a hollow body.

It’s important to keep the hollow body position in your handstand work, especially as we continue to practice handstands for our skill this month. Wednesday’s 9 a.m. class kept decent form across the board; photos from other classes are pretty telling as to who was holding a correct position and who got lazy against the wall. Keep that hollow at all costs! Great work getting upside down today — especially to those of you who didn’t think it was possible (ahem, Juli and Leimomi). It’s awesome to see everyone’s progress!

042513 WOD

A. Open gym

Take the first 25 minutes of class to make up missed lifts, including high hang snatch; back squat; and/or high hang clean and jerk.

B. Group stretch

C. Metcon

In 4:00

400-meter run

15 toes-to-bar

ME double-unders

Complete three rounds, resting 1:30 between each. Score is double-under total.



You Only Live Once, so use your time wisely at open gym. Work on your goats, talk to a coach about your goals, or improve your mobility.




You find this photo:

  • A: Hilarious, because you know this one will probably work as well as Kula Ace’s owl
  • B: Worrisome, especially in light of recent decorative pieces installed at the box
  • C: Frightening, considering our current owl has a security camera embedded behind its eyes, which doubles as a recorder to improve Olympic lifting technique
  • D: Fitting, because only CFUM would rock a fake — yet functional — owl