Thursday, May 23, 2013


052313 WOD

A. Make up

Take the first 25 minutes of class to make up missed lifts and / or additional programming for the week.

B. Group stretch

C. In 4:00

400-meter run

ME double-unders in remaining time

Complete four rounds, with no rest in between rounds. If you don’t have doubles, divide single-under score by three. Score is cumulative jump rope total.




>> must-attend mobwod today

Yes. We made up the word mobilitate. Let Josh mobilize and rehabilitate your movements during his new MOB WOD from 9 to 10 a.m. Thursday. Today’s class will review hip openers from last session and then focus on overhead positioning. You’ll be stoked on Josh’s voodoo smashing, flossing and mobility techniques. This giant of an athlete is flexible and strong — and he has a great education to back his know-how. Please be prompt; last session was packed.