Tuesday, May 28, 2013


It’s always impressive to see who turns out for Hero WODs. Great work to all of you who pushed through “Schmalls” on Memorial Day, which was a small way to recognize the great sacrifices made for our freedom. Thank you to men and women in uniform — military, police and fire — who daily protect us.

052813 WOD

A. 200 double-unders

EMOM 7 air squats

6:00 time cap

B. Front squat

Take 20 minutes to work to a heavy set of two. If you are feeling a new 1RM, go for it.

C. In 3:00

5 burpee box jump-overs (24/20)

10 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

5 burpee box jump-overs

10 toes-to-bar

Complete three rounds, starting subsequent rounds where you leave off and resting 1:30 between each. Score is total rounds and reps.



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I’ve known Keaka since high school. He was always a standout athlete. Keaka has been with CFUM since our start; along the way he’s nailed some impressive benchmark times in Helen, Filthy 50 and others. More than his stunning strength and speed, though, Keaka stands out for his character. His clear sense of purpose drives him to serve our community; he’s often doing outreaches and fundraisers for local causes. We’re thankful to know such a great guy, and we celebrated with his friends and family Monday. Happy birthday, Keaka! Here’s to many more PRs ahead. Good thing you got out of a weight-vested birthday WOD. You may not be so lucky next time.