Tuesday, July 16, 2013


071613 WOD

A. Burgener warmup

B. Snatch

Snatch balances

5 x 2

Work up to your best effort for the day, prioritizing speed and strong lockout.

C. “Nancy”

Five rounds for time:

400-meter run

15 overhead squats (95/65)

>> OR On-Ramp

Three rounds for time:

400-meter run

15 overhead squats (35/15/PVC)




Photo courtesy of Stephanie Garcia

Josh, our gentle giant, celebrates his birthday today. And unfortunately for him, he’s nearly a week into Whole 30, a strict form of paleo dieting that lasts 30 days. Maybe he can enjoy a bowl of fruit. He could get crazy with two bowls of fruit, possibly topped with sugar-free coconut.

Jokes aside, Josh is a great lifter, who’s always paid attention to solid form. He leads and programs our MOBWOD mobility class, which has been well-attended since its launch. Josh has a degree in exercise science, and what’s even more impressive is his insatiable desire to learn. He’s always researching the lifts, mobility work and more. He truly enjoys, lives and breathes this stuff.

He, Frank and I go way back. We met him at Upcountry Fitness years ago and stayed in contact as we saw him at CrossFit and Olympic lifting seminars. Josh is one of those people with whom you become fast friends. He’s funny (he thrives on inside jokes, twerking and hashtags), and he truly cares about the well-being of others.

We’re thankful for you, Coach Giant. Have an amazing birthday filled with very healthy food!