Thursday, July 25, 2013


072513 WOD

A. Make up

Take the first 25 minutes of class to make up missed lifts, including: front squat 5 x 2 (3 second pause at bottom); EMOM 8:00 snatch pull, power snatch, OHS; push press 4 x 6 (focusing on the negative).

B. Group stretch

C. AMRAP in 14:00

200-meter run


10 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

20 double-unders




>> sledgehammer not included.

Josh, our MOBWOD master, is breaking out a new quad smashing tool Thursday: a sledgehammer. Kidding! He won’t be using a hammer, but he will use resistance bands, lacrosse balls, foam rollers, barbells and even your friends to loosen tight tissue. The popular class, based on Dr. Kelly Starrett’s Movement and Mobility Certification course and “How to be a Supple Leopard” book, will focus this week on the upper body, particularly the neck and shoulders. Self-rehabilitation never hurt so good. Show up at 9 a.m. to see what you’ve been missing.