Wednesday, July 31, 2013 – NORMAL SCHED. RESUMES

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>> seattle box hop.

With our exciting standby trip to the Games, we ended up in Seattle, staying with box friends Allen and Char Velasco of Imperial CrossFit. They took us to CrossFit Belltown in Seattle today, and it was one of the coolest boxes we’ve ever seen. Led by Nadia Shatila, a CF HQ L1 trainer (she did my cert, along with Jason Khalipa, back in 2010), and her boyfriend, Eric, the box resembles a museum of CrossFit oddities and antiques. Every item has its place, and the attention to detail is impressive. Aside from state-of-the-art Rogue equipment and a spacious layout, the box is peppered with CrossFit candy for the eyes that athletes around the world can relate to. In particular is a wall of trophies — comprising human skin. Hand rips are badges of honor, tacked next to a vintage frame of the athlete who left it. Another shelf holds a spice rack of labeled vials, each named after a “Girl” WOD. If you never train here, at least stop by when you’re in Seattle. It’s one of the most unique places we’ve seen. Mahalo to Nadia and Eric for being such great hosts and to the Velascos, our box family away from family.

073113 WOD

A. Front plank hold [ RETESTING ]

Against a running clock, retest your max effort plank hold and compare it to your time at the beginning of the month. Journal your time. If you miss this test, please retest Thursday during open gym or on your own.

B. Press

3 x 5

Add 5# across all three working sets; if you missed last time, do not increase.

C. In 3:00

Run 200 meters

10 pull-ups

ME man-makers (30/20)

Complete four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Man-makers are plank, push-up, row right, push-up, row left, squat clean, thruster; partial reps will not be given for incomplete man-maker. Score is total across four rounds.