Thursday, August 1, 2013

photo 1

Awesome rig; awesome room!

photo 2

Check the flags

photo 5

Ropes and rings and racks

photo 3

Looking for something heavy to carry? Try these bombucha marbles, which are also known as Atlas stones.


Grant, Big Island native, along with Frank, Allen and I


Ryan (left) and Allen, co-owners of Imperial CrossFit

>> seattle box hop day 2.

We finally made it to our home away from home. Ever since we’ve known Coach Allen, co-owner of Imperial CrossFit in Seattle and frequent visitor at CFUM, we’ve wanted to visit his gym. So when we did Wednesday, it was like walking through the doors of deja vu. Their people are like our people: Diverse in age, ethnicity and skill level; warm and welcoming; and all-around awesome athletes and people. Members walked up to us and said hello. One man we met is from the Big Island, and he wanted to get a picture with us, just because we’re from Hawaii. It was like meeting a family we had always known. The box itself is spacious and super hard-working — just how we like it. One massive room — with the 40-foot Rogue Infinity rig, boxes, rings, bumpers, bars, wall balls, parallel bars and more — is dedicated to metcons. The other room holds the treasure that you don’t see at many boxes: a crapton of strongman stuff. Atlas stones were sprawled out like someone was shooting a scene for “Indiana Jones,” kegs — not for beer, for lifting — were lined up nearby, and a chain from a ship’s anchor was situated at the entrance. There were a few areas for heavy lifting. That side room seemed to scream strength. More than all the cool stuff, though, (because we all know the gear doesn’t make a great box) was the impact of a great community, led by experienced athletes / coaches / owners Allen and his friend, Ryan. We’re stoked for the opportunity to train with our friends at Imperial, who we’ve somehow known all along. Next time you visit Seattle, make it your first stop!

080113 WOD

A. Make up

Take the first 25 minutes of class to make up missed lifts and skill work, including:

• Back squat, 3 x 5 (add 10#; if you missed last time, don’t increase)

• Snatch complex, EMOM 10:00 full snatch + high hang snatch + overhead squat

• Press, 3 x 5 (add 5#; if you missed last time, don’t increase)

• ME front plank hold

B. Group stretch

C. For time:

400-meter run

30 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

400-meter run

30 toes-to-bar

400-meter run

30 lunge steps with barbell in front rack position (135/95)

400-meter run

30 handstand push-ups




>> because mobility matters.

OK, so the headline was a little deceiving. You may or may not make friends at MOBWOD at 9 a.m. Thursdays. BUT — we can guarantee that you will make gains in your CrossFit movements with weekly attendance; it’s one of the most important sessions you can do at CFUM. This week, Josh will take athletes through lower body mobility training, after review of shoulder openers. Based on Kelly Starrett’s CrossFit Movement and Mobility Certification, the specialty course should be mandatory for all CrossFitters — it’s that good. See you there!