
>> functional fitness making a splash.

We’re offering a pilot/test class for CFUM beginner swimmers, led by former competitive swimmer Ema Suehiro, a seasoned swim coach. The CFUM athlete is well-versed in teaching swimming to all ages; we’re grateful that she’s offering her instruction to athletes at the box. Keep in mind that this is a test class — we are seeing how this first one will go before launching a regular time/date. Please allow this initial class for beginner / intermediate swimmers only.

WHO: Ema Suehiro, swim coach and CFUM athlete

WHAT: CFUM beginner swim class

WHEN: 9 a.m. this Saturday

WHERE: Pukalani Pool

REGULAR GROUP CLASS: We are still offering 9 a.m. group CF class at the box. You will have to decide which 9 a.m. class you will attend.

RSVP: Please confirm your Saturday attendance on the whiteboard by Thursday end of day