Thursday, August 29, 2013
082913 WOD
A. Make up
Take the first 25 minutes of class to make up missed lifts, which will be posted on the whiteboard.
B. Group stretch
C. 1:00 for max reps at each station
• Row for calories
• Tire flips
• Lunges with plate overhead (45/25)
• Sit-ups
Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total reps.
>> the mobility man is looking for you.
He won’t rest until he finds you. And mobilizes you.
It’s sort of like a horror movie when we don’t work on self-rehabilitation. Muscles start to hurt; there are scary pains popping up around every corner; your joints emit strange noises and such. The nightmare can become a reality when we ignore necessary work for too long.
Come today at 9 a.m. and let the mobility man show you calf, ankle and foot techniques to alleviate the stress from all those double-unders.
Yes, we are trying to scare you into going. You won’t regret it. Even if you’re tied up in a PVC, resistance band contraption straight out of “Saw VI” (see Matt’s photo above) — it will be worth every ounce of fear, pain and public humiliation. Your movements will thank you!