Monday, Sept. 8, 2013
Good mornings at 180 lbs.
090813 WOD
A. Alternating 4:00 Tabata
Strict chin-ups, focusing on the negative
Air squats
B. Back squat
3 x 5
Add 10# to last time; if you missed it, don’t increase
C. For time: *
100-meter run
Then four rounds of the triplet:
10 power cleans (95/65)
10 lunges with barbell in front rack position (5/side)
10 push presses
100-meter run
>> On-Ramp
For time:
100-meter run
Then three rounds of the triplet:
10 power cleans (scaled weight)
10 lunges
10 push presses
100-meter sprint
* We changed the metcon for the 6 a.m. class, and the subsequent classes will follow. We debated about the workout last night, and let’s just say I should’ve listened to Frank. Healthy discussion about WODs is always welcomed!