Monday, Oct. 28, 2013


Who jumped the best at Saturday’s 9 a.m. class? (Snuggie crouched the best)

102813 WOD

A. In 6:00 with up to four teams, depending on class sizes:

Partner 1: ME row for 1:00

Remaining partners: Plank hold, any style

Rotate on the minute; rower may only work if all teammates are in a plank. Team with farthest row won’t have to do 10 star jumps, our latest form of public humiliation

B. Back squat – Wendler week 4; month 1 [ DELOAD ] *

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

C. Three rounds for time:

400-meter run

10 thrusters *

5 chest-to-bar pull-ups

* No movements will be prescribed this week due to deload. “Try” to back off on intensity and don’t pay as much attention to the clock. Your strength gains will thank you for it. Trust us . . .



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Congratulations to our resident beast, Andrea, who’s back in CrossFit action after spending months focusing solely on Olympic weightlifting. She took first in women’s masters during Maui CrossFit Extreme’s Nightmare on Lower Main St. competition Saturday. A highlight of the day was her snatch PR at #115. We’ve been prepping Andrea for a strong showing at the 2014 open, and she’s been working hard behind the scenes to tackle any weaknesses. One of the most inspiring elements about Andrea is her work ethic; we’ve watched her put in the time it takes to master many movements. She’s naturally gifted but doesn’t take it for granted. We’re so proud of you, Andrea! You keep us motivated by pushing all of us to persevere!

Mahalo to all of our athletes who came out to support Andrea and Frank. Coach Frank the Tank had a solid performance, a great time was had by all, and it was another event that helped foster community.

Thank you to MCFE’s Wakon, Lee and Mark for organizing, along with all of the judges, competitors, volunteers and donors. Go, team Maui!