Friday, Nov. 1, 2013


110113 WOD

A. 5:00 ME team row with up to four teams

Rower: 1:00 ME

Resting teammates: ME sit-ups (keep running tally)

Switching at 1:00 mark. Add total sit-ups to max distance after time is up for score. Losing teams do 10 star jumps with penalty phrase.

B. Deadlift – Wendler week 4; month 1 [ DELOAD ]

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

C. For time:

200-meter run

Three rounds of the triplet:

10 power cleans

20 Russian kettlebell swings

30 double-unders

200-meter run

* No RX weights due to deload week

>> On Ramp

For time:

200-meter run

Three rounds of the triplet:

5 power cleans

10 Russian kettlebell swings

15 double-unders

200-meter run