Friday, Dec. 21, 2013


There’s not much Frank can’t build

122113 WOD

A. In 5:00 with up to four teams

Rower: ME for distance

Nonrowers: Plank any style

Switching at 1:00; if any plank drops, rowing must stop. Team distances will be recorded on whiteboard.

B. Deadlift – Wendler week 3; month 3

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+

Do five cobras between working sets

C. For time:

100-meter run

10 overhead lunges with barbell (95/65) (alternating legs)

10 clapping push-ups

100-meter run

8 overhead lunges with barbell

8 clapping push-ups

100-meter run

6 overhead lunges with barbell

6 clapping push-ups

100-meter run

4 overhead lunges with barbell

4 clapping push-ups

100-meter run

2 overhead lunges with barbell

2 clapping push-ups

100-meter run

>> On-Ramp

For time:

100-meter run

10 lunges with plate overhead AHAP

10 push-ups off feet, knees, box

100-meter run

8 lunges

8 push-ups

100-meter run

6 lunges

6 push-ups

100-meter run

4 lunges

4 push-ups

100-meter run

2 lunges

2 push-ups

100-meter run



Star CF athletes Camille Leblanc-Bazinet and husband Dave Lipson are on Oahu for the weekend’s L1 certification, and it was cool that Dave checked in with Frank to see how we’re doing. Even cooler is the type of inspiration that Camille and Dave exude; they’re best friends, teammates and awesome role models. Dave made this video of Camille, and it reminded us to fight for our goals — they’re within reach. The two promise they’ll be back to Maui. Can’t wait!