Saturday, Dec. 21, 2013


Traesyn, our youngest UBC lifter at 14, is quickly progressing. Watch for this amazingly athletic young man (who also happens to be Gabby’s son, so it makes sense that he’s so strong and fast) — he’s on his way to great things.

122113 WOD

A. AMRAP 5:00 with teams of two:

100-meter run with med ball (pass at 50 meters)

20 MB over bar (10/side)

20 MB passes

20 MB sit-ups

B. Stretch

C. For time: *

400-meter run

50 sit-ups

40 burpees

30 Russian kettlebell swings (53/35)

20 wall balls (20/14)

10 L-sit pull-ups

20 wall balls

30 Russian kettlebell swings

40 burpees

50 sit-ups

* So I know you’re already looking at this WOD and saying, “WTH: 80 burpees AND wall balls?!” Here’s the thing: We have a condensed holiday schedule Tuesday. We have Wednesday off. So suck it up because I know we’re not going Whole 30 for the holidays. Get in the gym and give it all you got!

>> On-Ramp

For time:

200-meter run

25 sit-ups

20 burpees

15 kettlebell swings

10 DB thrusters

5 ring rows / pull-ups

10 DB thrusters

15 kettlebell swings

20 burpees

25 sit-ups

200-meter run



WHEN: 6:30 p.m. TONIGHT until 2014 (kidding; until pau)

WHERE: Andrea’s house in Makawao; text Kehau for directions 808 281 6925

WHAT: CFUM CHRISTMAS PARTY, featuring one of the cutest dogs alive, Coco (Andrea’s princess)

BRING: Sides, desserts, salad, BYOB, $10-15 gift for White Elephant. Can’t do any of those things? Come anyway

WEAR: Everyone is encouraged to dress up (this means different things to different people), but Frank is leading a not-so-secret Ugly Sweater rebellion. Again: Can’t do it? Dress however you want. We’d rather see you than not see you. It’s a great opportunity to meet members from other classes and to spend much-needed quality time with your favorite coaches and friends. See you there!