Wednesday, Jan. 8, 2014


010814 WOD

A. In 5:00 with teams of two

Partner 1: 200-meter run

Partner 2: AMRAP

2 handstand wall walks

4 hollow rocks

6 jumping air squats

Switching; score is total rounds and reps

B. Strict pull-ups / handstand push-ups

1. 3 x 7 pull-ups

2. 3 x 7 handstand push-ups

Alternating between movements (if you don’t have the consecutive concentric pulls and pushes, work on eccentric)

C. With 10:00 on the clock

Three rounds:

10 shoulder to overhead (135/95)

20 toes-to-bar

50 double-unders

Then ME lateral jump burpees (burpee, then hop to other side of bar = 1 rep)

Score is burpee total

>> On-Ramp

With 10:00 on the clock

Three rounds:

10 push press AHAP

20 v-ups

100 single-unders

Then ME burpees / lateral jump burpees

Score is burpee total