Thursday, Jan. 9, 2014 – MOBWOD RETURNS


So, when you look around the gym for a comfortable area to lie down after your metcon is over, would this be a desirable location? Elena thinks so.

>> mob yourself.

Don’t miss the most important class of the week! MOBWOD, featuring the newly shaven Coach Josh, who’s barely recognizable without his beard, and open gym start at 8 a.m. Open gym continues from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Make up missed work; make up a metcon; and most importantly — mobilize!

010914 MOBWOD

A. Lower body

1. Partner hamstring stretch (3:00/leg)

2. Olympic wall squat variations (5-7:00)

B. Upper body

1. Upper trap / neck mob with barbell (2:00/side)

2. Neck stretch with band (2:00/side)



>> cfum out and about.

Anders (second from left) dropped in at CrossFit Oahu on Wednesday and was lucky enough to get a double benchmark WOD: Jackie and Grace. Yes, he did Jackie on Monday as well. Enjoy your rest day, Anders! Have a good time on Oahu.