Monday, Jan. 13, 2014


Welcome to our January Basics grads: Shantal (second from left), Carrie, Cheri and Donna (not pictured: Kim). Thanks to Holley and Frank for showing them the ropes. These ladies are gonna kill it!

011314 WOD

A. In teams of two:

60 double-unders / 180 single-unders

30 air squats

15 toes-to-bar / 15 sit-ups

Partner 1 judges partner 2; then switch

B. Back squat

Warm-up sets

Working sets

5 x 70%

5 x 75%

5+ x 80%

Work speed from the bottom

C. Five rounds for max reps:

1:00 ME wall balls (20/14)

0:20 ME box jumps (24/20)

0:40 rest

>> On-Ramp:

Three rounds for max reps:

1:00 ME wall balls or DB thrusters

0:20 ME step-ups

0:40 rest



photo 2

Ema, our resident swim coach, is a beast in and out of the water. Not only does she have an accomplished swim resume and experience coaching swimmers of all abilities, she also proves to be a strong athlete in Olympic weightlifting, CrossFit, running and pretty much anything else she sets out to accomplish. It helps that Ema is a former gymnast and grew up with athletic surfing and swimming sisters Helena (older) and Aja (younger). Beyond her physical abilities, Ema is a gifted instructor, who’s smart and compassionate. She is a speech therapist at Haiku School and she daily faces a tough public school system workload. Ema finds joy in giving back and helping others; that’s where one of her biggest beauties lie — in her servitude and heart for community. Have a great birthday, Ema! We love you!