Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014


Don’t know what to bring to a potluck? Bring what Josh does: a small can of mac nuts. (True story). What does this have to do with mobwod? Nothing, other than it’s an awesome picture of the mob boss, and mobwod is the most awesome part of your week. Get there Thursday at 8 a.m.!

011614 MOBWOD

A. Lower body

1. Review – partner hamstring stretch (5:00/leg)

2. Partner quad and calf smash (as needed)

B. Upper body

1. Trap / upper back mob with lacrosse ball (4:00/side)

2. Lat smash on roller or barbell (3:00/lat)




Renee just signed up for the 2014 CrossFit Games Open. No pressure. But if we don’t see you signed up in the next few weeks, we are signing you up. And you thought your personal information was safe . . .




A spy (Arianna) let us know that Wednesday was Kaikaika’s birthday. So we’re adding this belated birthday post because we want everyone to know how rad this guy is. The Kamehameha graduate is naturally athletic, beastly strong and unpredictably fast. He smokes 98 percent of the WODs, and he is especially fun to watch any time there’s a barbell involved because he makes the weights look weightless. Like they’re a bunch of balloons. Or they’re plastic toys. One of the interesting things about Kaika is that he’s a Hawaiian Canoe Club paddling coach for kids. Not only does he have awesome cues, but I’ve seen him light up with joy — the kind that comes from sacrificing time and helping others — when he talks about teaching keiki. He has a heart of gold, and he gives a lot to the club and CrossFit and everything else he does. We’re stoked to have you, Kaika! Thanks for all that you do! We’ll get you with birthday burpees next time. Nice job avoiding the gym on Wednesday.