Friday, Jan. 17, 2014


Last week, I posted a photo of Elena (above) lying on a pile of dumbbells. In my mind, I have a free pass to tease Elena and Patty, who I’ve known since grade school, and Steph and Leimomi, who I’ve known since high school. Those four are typically the targets for many of my in-class jokes. And I don’t apologize. However, I would like to highlight their recent achievements, to balance the pendulum that swings from mean and nice. Elena, who has a bodyweight of a small teenager, just hit a 263 deadlift. A few weeks ago, her deadlift was under 200 pounds. That’s a super impressive pull, especially for someone of her size. Meanwhile, Leimomi, whose long limbs served our King K basketball team well, hit a 83 pound snatch Thursday, and her form looked really good. She’s naturally strong and her lifts are looking amazing, especially considering her height. So take the compliments while you can, my friends. I’m proud of you!

011714 WOD

A. NFT in teams of two:

Partner 1: 30 American kettlebell swings AHAP, 15 HR push-ups

Partner 2: Judges / counts

Switching; assess for quality of movement / ROM over speed

B. Lunges with barbell in front rack

3 x 10 (5/side)

Use 20 minutes to work to a challenging set of five per leg, then do three total sets at same weight.

C. In 10:00

50 burpees

30 overhead squats (125/85)

ME toes-to-bar

Score is total T2B

>> On-Ramp

In 8:00

30 burpees

20 overhead squats AHAP

ME v-ups / sit-ups

Score is v-ups or sit-ups