Wednesday, Jan. 22, 2014


012214 WOD

A. NFT with a judge:

40 double-unders

20 wall balls AHAP

10 HR push-ups (no snaking; toes must stay planted on ground)

Try to go unbroken with each exercise; judges assess for ROM / counting accuracy; switching

B. Push / pull

1. 3 x 7 strict pull-ups

2. 3 x 7 strict HSPUs

If you don’t have the full movement, work the negative. Alternate movements with each set.

C. AMRAP in 5:00

5 push press (115/75)

10 deadlifts (same weight)

15 box jumps (24/20)

– Rest 2:30 –

AMRAP in 5:00

5 thrusters (95/65)

15 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

45 double-unders

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP in 5:00

5 push press AHAP

10 KB deadlift

15 step-ups

– Rest 2:30 –

AMRAP in 5:00

5 DB thrusters AHAP

15 Russian KBs AHAP

45 double-under attempts or 90 single-unders