Tuesday, Jan. 28, 2014


012814 WOD

A. In 5:00 with up to four teams:

Rower: ME for distance (switch at minute mark)

Others: Push-ups or front plank hold. Every push-up will add one meter to total score, but rest must be taken at the top, in plank position, and not at the bottom. Front plank hold nets zero points, but must be held for rower to work. Top team gets out of 10 muffin tops.

B. Clean and jerk

EMOM 7:00

1 x full clean from floor

1 x full clean from above knee

1 x full clean from high hang

1 x jerk

C. “Annie” (in two heats, with a judge)

For time:


Double-unders, sit-ups

Break out the athletic tape for your behind and go for a new PR or the gym records board!

>> On-Ramp

For time:

100-80-60-40-20 single-unders

50-40-30-20-10 sit-ups (half of these reps if you are very new)




“Borrowed” this picture from Chris’ Instagram page: Chris (left), Krystle (right) and little Kamele in side plank show what a fit family does at the beach

Chris turns 30 today. And for those of us who have reached that milestone, it’s an interesting one. Leaving the 20s seems daunting, but the best, and most satisfying years, are to come. As we looked back at Chris’ time with us — he, Krystle and Kamele have been with us more than a year — we are pretty amazed at his progress. He went from “babyweights” and learning basic lifts to an over-bodyweight snatch and an impressive clean and jerk; he’s mastered gymnastics movements like the bar and ring muscle-ups; and he beat a whole crew of us in a short-distance sprint at the park one day. This guy is a real-deal athlete. Chris’ inner strength is equally phenomenal. He has a quiet, humble demeanor, with a firm sense of identity, kindness and strength. He leads his family in health and fitness; it’s inspiring to watch the dedication he models to Krystle and daughter Kamele, who are just as naturally fit. I always tell Frank that if he weren’t so driven when it comes to training, I would be a sloth, and it’s true. A strong leader makes a difference. And Chris is one of the standouts. Have a great birthday, Chris! Keep up the great work — there are choke PRs ahead!


Chris at Saturday’s meet (Splitstream Media photo)