Monday, Jan. 27, 2014


>> UBC in Sunday’s Maui News!

Upcountry Barbell Club, one of three official USA Weightlifting teams in Hawaii, took top spots in the male and female divisions of the inaugural All Comers Weightlifting Meet on Jan. 25 at CrossFit Maui in Kahului, with winning totals by Keoni Wong and Anna Gilarski. The two had the highest scores in both the snatch and clean and jerk, among approximately 20 Maui lifters, including those from CrossFit Maui, Maui CrossFit Extreme, Queen Emma Athletic Club, Wailuku gym and others. Of special note is that our females — Anna, Krystle and Diane — were the only ones to enter, as the  six-attempt platform meet is not for the easily intimidated. Diane hit a PR on her snatch at 112; Krystle met her PR at 110; and Anna went six for six, landing all lifts (weights are in pounds, as we’re still waiting on our kilo plates; from then on, you’ll get reports in kilos;). The men were impressive as well. Keoni hit a 299 lb. clean and jerk; Josh got under a 240 snatch; and Keaka, Chris and Traesyn showed phenomenal technique, speed and strength. Big mahalos to Danny and Whitney of CrossFit Maui for hosting the awesome event, which is the first of many. Congratulations to ALL of the lifters who participated; again, it’s not an easy feat to be onstage, getting one attempt at a time, with all eyes on you. And thank you especially to our amazing Maui USAW coaches, Frank Tam, Brian Okada, Lawrence Kauhaahaa and Vernon Patao — you fuel the fire that keeps us hungry to lift heavier, faster and more technically sound. And your guidance makes it possible. Maui is getting stronger; and the weightlifting momentum is gaining traction on the Valley Isle, which boasts its own legacy of lifters, led by the likes of Doc Yogi, Keku Akana, Jim Moser, Okada, Patao and others. Their accomplishments are cultivated with each made and missed lift — with each of you on Maui who love this frustratingly beautiful sport. Keep up the great work!

++ We can’t talk about weightlifting without thanking our first coaches Robert and Kristi at Raw Fitness Maui; they’re the ones who initially introduced Frank and me to lifting. I remember watching the beauty of their lifts, inspired by the technique they both possess. Thanks to you both for the passion you ignited in us. We’re grateful for Maui’s community of lifters!

012714 WOD

A. “Rowling”

Row as close to 200 meters on the dot as possible. For every meter in difference (over or under), perform one burpee. Closest male / female to 200 for the day wins . . . wait for it . . . a water.

B. Back squat

65% x 5

75% x 5

85% x 5+

C. AMRAP in 10:00

75 wall balls (20/14)

50 double-unders

30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

* This workout is designed with the CF Games Open in mind; total reps will be your score. Stay steady throughout.

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP in 8:00

10 pull-ups / ring rows

15 wall-balls / DB thrusters

30 double-unders / 90 single-unders