Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2014



020414 WOD

A. AMRAP 4:00 with teams of two:

Partner 1: 1:00 front plank hold

Partner 2: 30 double-unders, 20 air squats, 10 hollow rocks

Pick up where partner leaves off; switching at 1:00 mark

B. Snatch EMOM 8:00

1 x snatch high pull

1 x power snatch

1 x overhead squat

C. 6:00 AMRAP

10 overhead squats (125/85)

30 double-unders

Rest 2:00

6:00 AMRAP

10 deadlifts (125/85)

10 burpees over barbell

>> On-Ramp:

6:00 AMRAP


60 single-unders

Rest 2:00

6:00 AMRAP

10 KB DLs

10 burpees




Dear Coach Jason:

You’re in huge trouble for not letting us know it was your birthday Monday. You think that with your good looks, and your popular coaching style, that you can just sneak by unnoticed. Well, guess what? You’re wrong. Birthday burpees are for everyone; and this includes you. Especially you.

Coach Jason, you’ve been with us from the start. Not only are you one of the most well-loved coaches, but you’re also one of the hardest workers we know. As the co-owner of Maui Executive Catering, you’re constantly on the go, catering some of the most beautiful events on the islands. For this, we respect you greatly.

Your work ethic carries over into the gym, and your movements are technically sound. You set a great example for the importance of fundamentals, and even when you’re the only one training, you push hard.

Despite all these great things, along with your glowing personality, you’re not getting out of birthday burpees. We’re super grateful for you. So much that we will do all 20? 😉 burpees alongside you next time you’re in the gym. That’s a promise. Happy birthday, Coach Jason! We adore you, you sneaky little rat!