Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2014


020514 WOD

A. NFT with a judge:

Both run 400 meters, then:

20 front squats (45/35 or 15) (checking squat / rack form)

15 HR push-ups (keep toes planted, hollow-body position)

10 dips (look for required ROM)

Judge/assess/encourage partner, then switch

B. Push press

4 x 3 building to a heavy set of three

Subset with 4 x 5 strict pull-ups

C. For time:

100-meter run

21 box jumps (24/20)

21 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

21 toes-to-bar

100-meter run

15 box jumps

15 American kettlebell swings

15 toes-to-bar

100-meter run

9 box jumps

9 American kettlebell swings

9 toes-to-bar

100-meter run

>> On-Ramp

For time:

100-meter run

21 step-ups

21 Russian kettlebell swings

21 sit-ups

100-meter run

15 step-ups

15 Russian kettlebell swings

15 sit-ups

100-meter run

9 step-ups

9 Russian kettlebell swings

9 sit-ups

100-meter run