Wednesday, Feb. 19, 2014


021914 WOD

A. NFT with a judge

40 double-unders (or 80 single-unders)

20 supine rows (or ring rows; advanced should be parallel to the ground, keeping hollow body position)

0:45 R plank

0:45 L plank

B. Push press

60% x 5

70% x 5

80% x 5+

Subset with 3 x 0:15 chin-up hold

C. AMRAP in 10:00

5 push press (115/75)

10 deadlifts (using same weight)

5-10-15-yard shuttle run (must touch hand to line on all marks except for start/finish line; partial run will not count as full rep when time expires)

>> On-Ramp

AMRAP in 8:00

5 dumbbell push press AHAP

10 KB deadlifts AHAP

5-10-15 yard shuttle run




Diane K.: Both beauty and beast

Diane turned 40 today (Tuesday), and she makes it look really good. If being 40 means hitting the best strength numbers thus far, like Diane has, sign me up. Diane is pound-for-pound one of the strongest athletes in our gym (she front squats over 200 with BW in the 110s) and she is also one of the kindest athletes at CFUM. One of my earliest memories of Diane, one of our originals, is from the old gym. It was one of my first classes, and I was still new to the dusty, rugged, country box we call home. She stayed after training, back in the days where Diane, Ben and I made up the afternoon class, and offered to help me clean. Then, she suggested we have a monthly cleaning night where everyone can help out. Of course I wouldn’t put anyone through that, but it was one of the most gracious gestures I experienced at the gym. And she is the same with everyone she meets. Diane and her husband, Hank, have three kids (we love them all); she works long hours at TSA (confiscating all your contraband); and she trains her butt off with UBC and CFUM. She makes every movement look amazing, so much so that you want to try it to emulate her. “Burpees? Whoa, Diane’s look amazing — I want to do burpees.” “Front squats? So pretty — look at her flexibility. I should try that.” She could be a poster person for athleticism, and she doesn’t ever flaunt it. Diane, we adore you for so many reasons: You have strength of body, mind and spirit, a rarity among us. Thanks for all of the unspoken acts of kindness (like straightening the bumper plates in the lifting room) that don’t go unnoticed. We are blessed to have such a beautiful (inside and out) beast at the box!