Friday, April 4, 2014


Welcome Blake to CrossFit Upcountry! The Pukalani resident, who’s Kamehameha Schools classmates and friends with Keoni, Kaikaika and Matt, is already killing the WODs. On his first week, he got strict dips, HSPUs, solid cleans and more. It took some of us years to get that stuff. Must be nice. 😉 Great work, Blake! We’re stoked to have you!

Speaking of the hammahs, Matt just landed top spot of the gym records board for Elizabeth with a 5:18 RX time. Awesome job, Matt!

040414 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

100-meter run

10 jumping jacks

10 oblique side bends with KB (5/side)

10 strict knees-to-elbows

B. Deadlift

3 x 5

Work to a challenging set of five, then complete two additional sets at that weight. Cobras 3 x 10 between working sets.

C. In 3:00

Run 200 meters

10 deadlifts (135/95)

15 toes-to-bar

ME box jumps (24/20)

Four rounds, resting 1:00 betwen each. Score is box jumps.

>> On-Ramp

In 3:00

Run 200 meters

10 KB deadlifts AHAP

15 sit-ups

ME box jumps / step-ups

Four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is box jumps.