Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Brett and his wife, Heather, have great chest-to-bar pull-ups. Who has time to put their photos in an app and draw a heart around it? Apparently I do. That’s pretty sad. Joking aside, we love having this couple at the gym. They recently made the move from Oregon to Ulupalakua, and the two are already a great addition to our community. Nice work, supercouple!

040914 WOD

A. Three rounds NFT

200-meter row

12 hollow rocks

9 kips

6 wall squats

3 handstand wall walks

B. Strict press

4 x 5

Build to a heavy set of five, then do three additional sets at five reps.

Subset with 4 x 0:10 chin-up holds

C. 3:00 ME per round for total reps

Buy-in for each round:

50 double-unders

10 toes-to-bar

Round 1:

ME overhead squats (95/65)

Round 2:

ME push press (95/65)

Round 3:

ME lunges with barbell in front rack (95/65)

Rest 1:00 between rounds

>> On-Ramp

Buy-in for each round:

60 single-unders

10 sit-ups/v-ups/tucks


Round 2: ME push press AHAP

Round 3: ME lunges

Rest 1:00 between rounds