Saturday, June 7, 2014


Congratulations to everyone who made it through Friday Fran! Chris snagged a spot on the records board; Diane and Patti shaved minutes off their old times; and others did the benchmark WOD as prescribed for the first time. Regardless of your score, the fact that you showed up and did work was an awesome way to end the week. Fran will be back soon! We hear she’s visiting again at the end of summer.

060714 WOD

A. Group warmup

B. Stretch


Six rounds (three per person) for time:

Row 250 meters

15 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

15 burpees

Row 250 meters

Alternate rounds, with only one partner working at a time. Score is total time; both partners must complete three rounds each. If we don’t have enough rowers, substitute 200-meter run for row. If you’d like to work solo, complete four rounds for time with run instead of row (rowers will be reserved for teams). Time cap: 30 minutes.



photo 1

We have three teams, two judges and one volunteer at the SICFIT SICest of the Pacific West two-day competition from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at Sheraton in Kaanapali. Come down and cheer for our crew; buy a $5 spectator ticket and get a pool pass at Sheraton. Also, it happens to be Helena and Melissa’s birthdays — both of these ladies are competing (in different divisions) this weekend. It’s going to be a fun time! Hope to see you there! #repcountry