Monday, June 9, 2014

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Sand. Sweat. Sun. And lots of screaming. We had an awesome experience at the two-day fitness competition, SICest of the Pacific West, at the Sheraton in Kaanapali. Held by SICfit, an Arizona-based fitness brand, the competition featured three, two-person workouts in several divisions. Our teams had the following results: Andrea and Melissa (also representing CF Maui Extreme) – first place female masters; Tiare and Helena (repping her and Russ’ home gym in Haiku) – first place female RX; and Frank and Brett (also repping Maui Jim sunglasses) – sixth place men’s RX. Special mahalos to SICfit leaders Luke and Najla for organizing the competition, which drew scores of teams from California, Canada, Oahu, Big Island, Kauai and Maui. SICfit was kind enough to help local gyms and individuals obtain new and used equipment at discounted prices — which was a huge benefit for the island of Maui. Also, thank you to our friends at Lahaina CrossFit for helping organize the event. Mahalo to everyone who participated; it was rad to catch up with old and new friends from around the Hawaiian Islands. Thank you especially to our gym members (Steph, Leimomi, Elena, Patty, Kahone, Scott, Cade, Fabi, Coach Jason, Joey, Keoni and Heather) who drove all the way out to the west side to support us (Upcountry is kind of far away); we know gas prices aren’t cheap. We hope to see SICfit continue the Maui event next year! More photos and highlights are included below.

060914 WOD

A. Tabata 4:00

Alternating hollow rocks


B. Back squat – linear week 1

3 x 5 @ 50-60% of 1RM or EST 1RM

PROGRAMMING NOTE: We are transitioning onto a linear-based strength cycle for the summer. A percentage program will begin in September. Linear is one of your quickest ways to get strong. More details will be posted Tuesday. Remember to journal your numbers — coaches can’t be responsible for remembering what your weights should be! Have fun and hit it hard!

C. In 2:30 +

Run 200 meters

7 chest-to-bar pull-ups

ME wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

Four rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is total wall balls.

+ Compare to 012014

>> On-Ramp:

In 2:30

200-meter run

7 ring rows

ME wall balls or air squats

Three rounds, resting 1:00 between each. Score is wall balls / air squats.



Three workouts included one long chipper with bodyweight movements, such as pistols, handstand walks and burpees, along with a stand-up paddle race; one 20-minute time cap rowing, kettlebell and burpee metcon; and one 10:00 AMRAP of hang cleans, bar muscle-ups, front rack lunges and toes-to-bar. Our teams did really well on all events. Here are some event highlights:

• Melissa and Helena started CrossFit at CrossFit Upcountry. It was awesome to have each of them compete with us, even though they’re training elsewhere. They both celebrated their birthdays Saturday.

• Melissa and Andrea had the top finish for the SUP chipper WOD Saturday among all the intermediate divisions. They easily won their masters division, which started at age 40.

• Tiare and Helena were the only females who were brave enough to do the RX division, which includes bar muscle-ups, handstand walks and more. Talk about some amazing moms!

• Frank and Brett signed up a week before the event, because Maui Jim was looking for participants and they figured, what the heck. Brett, who’s a former collegiate baseball player, learned to handstand walk and SUP in less than a week. Their team had an impressive finish — sixth overall in a stacked men’s RX division (out of 16 teams) and second local men’s RX crew (Lahaina CrossFit men was the highest-ranking local box). Special thank you to Brett and Heather for graciously sacrificing their film festival weekend to spend hours in the hot sun at the two-day event. We couldn’t be more thankful for your performance. Fear the beard!