Wednesday, June 18, 2014


We’re breaking out the brand-new benches today

061814 WOD

A. Tabata 4:00

Alternating L-sit hold off bar (keep legs above 90-degree angle) / tuck off bar

Burpee tuck jump

B. Bench press – linear week 1

3 x 5 @ 50-60% of 1RM/EST1RM

If you don’t know your 1RM/EST1RM, find a 3 RM today

Subset with 3 x 5 weighted pull-ups; pull-ups; or 3 x 3 negatives

C. Three rounds for time:

400-meter run

5 strict handstand push-ups (kipping is OK if you cannot do at least three strict, but your metcon will be “modified” and not RX)

10 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

15 box jumps (30/24)

>> On-Ramp

Three rounds for time:

200-meter run

5 strict DB presses / modified HSPU

10 Russian KB swings

15 step-ups