Friday, August 15, 2014

photo(696)They can’t prove who was in the pineapple fields yesterday . . . (And these pineapples were allegedly on the ground already)

081514 WOD

A. 5:00 with a partner:

Partner 1) 30 consecutive double-unders

Partner 2) Plank any style


Any time Partner 1 misses a double, both teammates must do three burpees before restarting. Sub 60 single-unders for doubles.

B. Overhead squats – linear week 5

3 x 5

Add 10# to week 4

C. 10:00 AMRAP

5 power cleans (135/95)

15 wall balls (20/14) to 10′ target

30 double-unders

50-meter run

>> On-Ramp

8:00 AMRAP

5 hang power cleans

10 DB thrusters

20 double-under attempts / 40 single-unders

50-meter run