Monday, Sept. 29, 2014

>> maui gold meet.

We had an awesome time at the USAW Maui Gold Meet, organized by Patao Weightlifting, on Saturday at CrossFit Upcountry. Lifters, ages 35 and older, from around Maui and Oahu participated in the sanctioned meet, which drew support from weightlifting enthusiasts of all ages. Our lifters, Diane and Michelle K., had great showings. Congratulations to everyone who participated and to all our friends who helped with the event. It was truly a community effort.

092914 WOD

A. Tabata

Alternating double-unders

Hollow rocks

B. Back squat

70% x 3

80% x 3

90% x 3+

C. AMRAP 9:00

3 thrusters (95/65)

3 pull-ups

6 thrusters

6 pull-ups

9 thrusters

9 pull-ups

12, 15, 18 . . . and so on, increasing 3 reps with each round. Score is last completed round, plus additional reps.

>> AMRAP 9:00

3 dumbbell thrusters

3 ring rows

6 dumbbell thrusters

6 ring rows

9, 12, 15 . . . and so on, increasing 3 reps with each round. Score is last completed round, plus additional reps.