Friday, Nov. 14, 2014

photo(767)Nate does burpees with his right arm in a cast. What’s your excuse again? Sorry, I didn’t quite catch that — I was too busy watching NATE DO BURPEES WITH HIS RIGHT ARM IN A CAST. You inspire us, man! Keep up the great work.

111414 WOD

A. Run 400 or row 500

4:00 Alternating Tabata

Hollow off bar

Arch off bar

B. Deadlift – DELOAD

40% x 5

50% x 5

60% x 5

C. 9:00 AMRAP

3 power cleans (185/125)

3 toes to bar

6 power cleans

6 toes to bar

9 power cleans

9 toes to bar

12, 15, 18 . . . and so on, adding three reps to each round. Run 50 meters after each round. Score is last completed round plus additional reps. Partial round will not count as one rep.

>> On-Ramp

9:00 AMRAP

3 hang power cleans

3 sit ups / tucks / v-ups


6 sit-ups


9 sit-ups

12, 15, 18 . . . and so on, adding three reps to each round. Run 50 meters after each round. Score is last completed round plus additional reps. Partial round will not count as one rep.