Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2015

photo(825)Meghan never ceases to amaze us

012015 WOD

A. 5:00 with teams of two:

1) Run 100 meters + 20 double-unders + 10 v-ups

2) weighted front plank

Switching; both teammates do 5 burpees every time plank drops before run, doubles and v-ups are finished

B. Three-position power snatch

9:00 EMOM

1 x floor

1 x take-off

1 x high-hang

Increase weight with solid technique

C. 12:00 AMRAP

15-yard shuttle run

10 single-arm lunges with kettlebell overhead (5R/5L) (53/35)

10 chest-to-bar pull-ups

>> On-Ramp

8:00 AMRAP

15-yard shuttle run

10 lunges with plate overhead or unweighted

10 ring rows