Monday, Jan. 19, 2015


011915 WOD

A. 5:00 AMRAP

5 wall squats with PVC

10 rebounding slam balls

20 consecutive double-unders

B. Front squat

5 x 3 @ 75% 1RM

Warm up to working weight and take about 1:30 between sets

C. Two rounds for time:

200-meter run

5 hang full cleans (135/95)

10 burpees over barbell

Rest 2:00, then

Two rounds for time:

200-meter run

5 overhead squats (135/95)

10 box jumps (24/20)

Score is total time

>> On-Ramp

Modifications will be posted on the whiteboard


We had two teams face off Saturday in a slam ball, burpee challenge. Here are the final moments. Ross and Nigel make it too close to call! We love Saturdays; the class is always a good time.