Friday, May 22, 2015


Another awesome week of training is in the books. Keep the consistency and watch the changes unfold. Great work, Upcountry!

052215 WOD

A. 5:00 AMRAP in teams of two:

Partner 1) Row 250 + 10 toes-to-rings/bar

Partner 2) Run 200 +10 toes-to-rings/bar

Switching; each partner works simultaneously

B. Deadlift – 5/3/1 week 3 | month 1

75% x 5

85% x 3

95% x 1+

Subset: 3 x 10 cobras

C. “Helen”

Three rounds for time:

400-meter run

21 American kettlebell swings (53/35)

12 pull-ups

>> On-Ramp

Three rounds for time:

200-meter run

21 Russian kettlebell swings

12 ring rows