Wednesday, June 10, 2015


At the start of June, we took down the old PR board and cleared it out for all the new ones. On Tuesday, we had a bunch of new entries on the power clean. Great work to Diane K., Nikki, Kim A. and others who increased their totals. Don’t forget: Anything you accomplish for the first time is a personal record. Be proud of your achievements, and take one step toward your goals at a time. “Some quit due to slow progress, never grasping the fact that slow progress . . . is progress.”

061015 WOD

A. 4:00 Tabata


Arch to hollow off bar / rings

B. Press

70% x 3

80% x 3

90% x 3+

Subset with 3 x 5 strict chest-to-bar pull-ups (scale to strict pull-ups, negatives, or ring rows)

C. For time:

100 double-unders

20 ring dips

15 hang power snatches (115/75)

20 ring dips

100 double-unders

>> On-Ramp

For time:

200 singles

20 parallette dips

15 hang power snatch

20 parallette dips

200 singles

D. Cool down: Run 600 meters or row 800 meters @ 60-70% pace; accumulate 10 cobras and 1:00 / side in front delt smash with barbell



Tuesday’s post inaccurately referred to Tiana as Tatiana. Also, it said Liane is my classmate, which would make her one year OLDER than she actually is. I blame the cold meds I’m taking. We apologize for the errors!